Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

39 Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days. 41 And many more believed because of his word. 42 They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” John 4: 39-42

The Mission

The mission of The Well Church of Americus: To walk with God& others, welcoming those far from him.

Our mission is also our definition of a disciple of Jesus. 

The Vision

We meet people where they are to take them to where Jesus is.

Our vision comes from the spontaneous heart of worship from every believer. We bring others to where we met Christ by sharing our testimony and life so they too can hear from Him.

The Values 

The Environments 

Gospel-Centrality, Intentionality, Transparency, Multi-ethnic, Biblical & Spiritual Seriousness, Multiplication.
Missional Communities
Men/Women Groups

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