
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Serving our families, our church, our business, and our community is all for the glory of God. Jesus is our King, He is our ultimate boss. Where he has us and where he sends us is what matters most. We spend time in God's word, in prayer, and in gospel-centered community to be equipped to serve.

As a church body, The Well is just starting to get going. We currently as working towards serving
- GSW students, including our soccer team and coaches, through FCA.
- Those in poverty, especially those at the Harvest of Hope.
-Single mothers, especially those from Hands of Hop Crisis Pregnancy Center.
- Those in addiction, especially those who are attending CR.

You can be involved first by engaging in our four environments for personal growth and health. Those are Missional Communities (MCs), Gender-based groups, Sundays, and Teaching/training. If the saying is true,"Hurt people hurt people," then the opposite can be true as well, "Healthy people help people."

When we are healthy we serve from rest not for it.

Volunteer Leaders

Jill Schroeder - Hospitality

Jill is engaging with attendees and new guest each week in our Sunday gatherings. She would love to have you join in on the fun and serve people along the way!

John Schroeder - FCA / GSW Soccer

John is meeting with coaches for GSW soccer to build a support for them and connection point for the students!  John also has signed up to speak when needed for huddles. Let John know if you are interested! 

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

If you are new to The Well Church take a few weeks just to REST in the LORD.  Yep. We mean it.
Jesus doesn't need us, but He wants us. Find your hope, satisfaction, justification, healing in Christ and then serve with a joyful heart! Resting doesn't meaning sitting doing nothing. Join us on Sundays, come to our MCs, gender-based groups, and teaching/training.

When you are ready!

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

From a season of rest. Make sure you are actively pursuing gospel-centered community. Then fill out our SERVE form located on this page above type in thewelloa.net/serve. 

How do I volunteer with kids?

Safety, fun, education, and faith in Jesus is what we are all about when it comes to our kids. Having adequate volunteers for specific classes is key! Help us by filling out our form. Be willing to fill out a background check and work with leaders to find the best practices, policies, and procedures for our kids!

How do I volunteer on Sundays?

Sunday mornings for us are just getting started.  We have given ourselves a few months to hear from the LORD as we meet regularly. Pray and talk with one of our pastors or leaders about the needs you see in our church? For example, "Are we missing opportunities to reach or meet new guests," or "What specific group is the LORD bringing through our doors on Sundays and throughout the week we may need more effort and funds?" 

How do I volunteer with students?

We do not have a  formal student ministry/group just yet. Please fill out a form and we would love to discuss current needs and future possibilities.  

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.